Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Microbe Movie Stars

Check out these Youtube links to see brave song stars from room 22!  Their song stylings teach about the amazing world of microbes as well as some great disease prevention techniques.

Jacob Microbe Song 

Jacob and AJ Sock Puppet Show 

Jose and David Microbe Rap 1

Katie Microbe Song

Grant Microbe Song

Jacob Microbe Song 2

Jose and David Microbe Rap 2

Grace Microbe Song 2

Gabriel Microbe Song

Kamaria Microbe Song  

Aubriana, Laycee and Brequelle Disease Skit

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Magical World Under a Microscope...

Our 6th grade class learned how to use a microscope!

We were able to view living paramecium, euglena and amoeba under the scopes.  It was amazing!  That protist kingdom sure has some amazing protozoans! 

We learned how the different lenses work in order to enlarge the image.  We were able to view different specimens under 3 different magnifications. 

The worlds under a microscope are amazing!!!!

Seaweed under a scope is like looking at stained glass windows.  Nature is an amazing artist!

This is a live amoeba, searching for food!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rotten Science

     Room 22 is exploring the world of microbes by rotting kale and milk. Luckily, the classroom isn't quite as smelly as you would expect.
     The kale sits in two liter bottles and the variables are extreme. Some experiments sit under heat lamps while others in refrigerators. Some are open to the air while others are crawling with live worms. Some have bacteria, some are in the dark and there are many more.
     Ever heard of blue milk? Probably not...until now. Methylene blue coats all the air molecules in our milk. As bacteria eats the air in the milk, it gets less and less blue until it's completely white and spoiled. This time the variables depend mostly on type, source and flavor of the milk.

It's not always fun to come home to moldy kale and sour milk but here in room 22, we rot for fun.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Brine Shrimp and Wonderment...

Last week the 6th grade packed up our bags, boats and a bus and headed out to the Great Salt Lake. While the day began and ended with a downpour, the middle was packed with great science and loads of fun!

 We were able to look at brine shrimp and algae up close under scopes and work on our observation skills!
 We also went on a life hunt! Here we looked on the beach and in the water for signs of life.
 At one station we got our first experience with the school's kayaks! Some of us were a bit nervous because it was our first time ever on boats, but we all had a blast!

It was great to be out in nature, seeing amazing things and learning a ton!